Thursday, January 29, 2009

After Vision Loss: Should You Get a Service Dog? 5 Questions You Must First Answer

Have you seen TV shows about service dogs and wondered if you should consider getting one? Here are 5 questions you should first answer before making that decision.

1. Do you need help with mobility?
If it is difficult for you to see steps, curbs, obstacles on sidewalks and in stores, and, overall, moving safely and confidently as a result of vision loss, then a service dog can help.

2. Are you in good health?
Service dogs go through a lot of training before they are assigned to a person. To ensure that the dog remains in good health and in good working condition, it is important that the person work the dog regularly. This requires daily walks to keep the dog alert and in good physical condition.

3. Do you have the time to be trained to use a service dog?
Most schools that train a person to use a service dog require the person to attend training for four consecutive weeks. During this time, the person lives on the school's campus in a dormitory. I personally found this experience to be extremely pleasant. It will mean, however, that you will be away from your family during that time. Most, and possibly all, schools, though, will welcome your family to visit you when you are not in training.

4. Will you be able to keep your dog clean?
It is important for your service dog to have good hygiene. He or she will be going with you into all public places. For this reason, it is important that your dog be kept clean and well-groomed.

5. Can you afford to care for your dog?
It will be your responsibility to purchase food and medications for your dog and to pay for any visits to the vet that are not covered by the school which trained your dog. Some schools may offer to pay for the monthly heartworm medication along with flea and tick prevention treatment. A school may even offer to help cover some or all of a bill for certain visits to the vet.

If your answer is yes to all of the above questions, then I highly recommend that you begin researching the various schools where you may just find your very best and most loyal friend.

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