Thursday, December 11, 2008

The Focused Teacher: A Lesson for All

Did you hear the recent story about the math teacher in southern California who was told that his budget for his teaching supplies was being cut? He had a choice to make just as we all have a choice to make when faced with a difficult challenge.

He could focus on the problem or he could focus on the solution.

Go watch his story at...

He focused on the solution and found a very creative way to make up for the lost revenue in the budget cuts. He sold ads on his students' test papers.

But what does this have to do with living with low vision? Everything!

I believe that people who have low or no vision are some of the most creative people. We are constantly searching for and discovering creative solutions for everyday tasks.

When the focus is on the solution, a solution is found.

Click over here and read this article about focus. It's titled "Macular Degeneration: Focus Fuels Freedom."

Then sign up for your free subscription to the Prove Them Wrong Ezine: Tips & Tools for Succeeding with a Disability.
Go to...

And now, go have a great day and never forget...

"Courage is the capacity to hear what others say is impossible and believe you are the one to make it happen." -Nancy Shugart

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